• +(033) 2641 2341/4877
  • bkgc_howrah@yahoo.com
  • 5/3, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Howrah-711 101,

Rules & Regulations

Everyone who visits the Library share the responsibility of  maintaining a  pleasant and quiet ambience for research, reading, study, and productive work.  Please observe the rules and guidelines outlined below. 

Library Membership Card is compulsory for getting access to the library.

A dignified silence should always be maintained inside the library. Talking amongst each other should be avoided.

Mobiles should be turned to silent mode when entering the Libraries. Use of Mobile Phones are strictly prohibited within the college premises also unless there is any emergency.

Bags (other than money purse) cases, folders and other belongings must be kept outside the Library in the designated cages before entering the reading rooms. Only laptop, tab, ipad, notebooks and library books to be returned will be allowed inside.

Please do not leave any valuables at the property counter. Any unattended valuables left there will be  at the owner's risk.  Library will not be  responsible for any loss of personal belongings.

Beverages and eatables are strictly prohibited  inside the library reading rooms (General Reading Room and Teacher’s Reading Room).

Library does not permit any exception in the observance of these rules

Users must enter their details in user attendance registers at the entrance of reading room.

Books removed from the shelves by users for consultation, should be kept on the circulation counter or on table nearest to them after use. Please do not try to reshelve them yourself.

Remember that a book misplaced is a book lost .

The newspaper(s) should be folded properly after reading and kept back in the designated place

Users should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource as per rule. Books borrowed should be protected from rain, dust, insects etc.

·Members of the library are advised not to issue books to others on their names/ card.

All the books issued to the students must be returned before due date as stamped on the date label of the issued book to avoid fine. All the library books should be returned before University Examination ( Part-I,Part-II, Part-III) in order to get library clearance.

Without library clearance student shall be denied admit card/mark sheet.

·Before registering for new session, all the dues of the library must be cleared including overdue books else these borrowing facilities shall be withheld.

Library reserves the right to call back any issued book/item at any time.

Library furniture, fittings or equipment must not be misused or their arrangement altered.

No library equipment (computers, printers, furniture and like) can be tampered, moved or modified without permission from the librarian.

Note that the Library Attendants at the circulation counter are authorized to examine any book in possession of the library user at any time. All files, books and notebooks, if asked, must be presented to the library attendant for inspection while leaving the Library.

 No inappropriate behavior will be tolerated within the library. Library staff have the right to ask a user to leave the library premises if their behavior is considered improper or is in any way causing disturbance to the other users and such user may consequently be disallowed the use of library.  

·Disclaimer on Using the Internet: Access to the Internet is one of the resources available through the College Library. However the Internet is a global electronic network with a highly diverse user population which can not be monitored in any way by the college nor can it  be held responsible over the information accessed through the Internet.

Copyright and the Internet: Many of the resources found on the Internet are protected by copyright and requires owner’s permission for download.  

Use of Licensed Electronic Resources:  Each user is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of these licenses for database and other electronic resources provided by purchase or lease through the College Library are governed by the terms and conditions of the license agreement between the two. 

Circulation Rules    



Borrowing privileges

Loan Criteria for Books




3 books at a time

15 days -- renewable once

Library reserves the right to call back issued books whenever needed


2 books at a time







10 books at a time

90days -- renewable twice for 45 days




6 books at atime





4 books at a time

30 days --- renewable twice for another 30 days



2 books at a time




                 It is the library’s goal to provide an accurate and expeditious process for circulating materials. Periodicals and reference books  remain in the library. This assures maximum information access for all users. Students, faculty, staffs may borrow books for specified periods. However, library reserves the right to call back issued books whenever needed. 


Materials are circulated for a specified period of time, as stamped on the date label of the first page of the book.  If an item has not been returned by the due date charges are levied from the next day.


Rate of Fine



Rs. 0.50 per/day per volume of book

Borrowing privileges will be blocked for a month if not returned within 30 days of stipulated “Date of return”

Faculty & Staff

Rs. 1.00 per/day per volume of book



Repeated incidences will be notified to the Principal for necessary action.

If the ‘Date of return' falls within vacation, then books are to be returned within 7 days after the college reopens.